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Our Firm is situated deep in Laghe and Monferrato hills, land of Wines d.o.c., of cured meat, robiole d.o.p., of honey and hazelnuts, of woods and pasture.
Monastero Bormida village, in fact, keeps its strong characteristics of a Medieval hamlet, with its castle, the bell tower and the romantic bridge on Bormida river.

«Monastero - from Monesté – the particular land situated between Monferrato and Langhe, that has the castle in the lower part and the centre in the higher position, on the contrary of every other near village; but at first the castle was a monastery, and the tower was a bell tower, and that large house over there is still ‘the monastery’, and up to Tatorba some ruins among the brambles are the rest – they say- of a women shelter and in people’s blood something has remained.».
Here is Augusto Monti’s land, with every place, house and the descendants of the people that are the characters of the pages of his Sanssossì. Monastero with its large square just a little bit metaphysical with its arch, unique in Piedmont that connects the isolated bell tower to the castle, Monastero with its stone bridge that has lasted along eight centuries of floods, Monastero with its narrow roads and ‘carrugi’ that today are almost uninhabitated and in the past they were the commercial centre of this village of merchants and artisans that still counts the most important weekly market of Langa Astigiana.
The basic identity that ties and connects the inhabitants is truly the belonging to that one-hundred- room castle, that has been restored several times along one thousand years, patched and adorned, sometimes ruined but always saved from worse damages, still today lively centre of the public life, with the town offices, the emergency medical care studio, the Red Cross seat, the Pro Loco’s party hall.
The castle-abbey that protected the farmers of the countryside and pushed them to abandon the plebs of San Desiderio to build their houses in the shadow of its shape is the same reason of the existence of the village.  
Yet, the large square, whose castle it was the garden and it is still the natural prosecution. The square of the market, the parvise of the Church where they stop after the Mass end, the scenographic theatre where the laic ritual of Polentone takes place while all along the village roads there is one of the largest ancient crafts exposition of Piedmont; it is necessary to live these moments, these spaces and places, to get in touch with the village, with its history, with its thousand-year-old traditions.




Reg. Regnassini, 10 - 14058 Monastero Bormida AT Italia
Fabrizio 347.4620038  -  Filippo 347.2959462
e-mail: info@monteleonevini.it
P.IVA. - Cod fisc. 01127620050

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